The survivor’s playbook Is Different
When you’ve built breakthrough ROI in the face of entrenched corporate resistance you approach transformation differently. You see different problems, enlist different allies, and deploy different strategies.

Ask Yourself Some Tough Questions
Do investors care?
Every company innovates - but very few can show investors a track record of 20x new ventures and 20% turnarounds. Innovation without ROI is just decoration.
Is it an innovation or an obstructionism problem?
Corporate execs ‘keep score’ in ways that are antithetical to building new businesses and fixing old ones. The more ROI an intrapreneur generates - the more entrenched leaders will undermine them. Transformation without power transition increases risk.
Is your technology a tool or a toy?
AI, IoT, the blockchain only generate technical debt if they’re not deployed to drive breakthrough ROI. Tech utopianism is an expensive, seductive drug.
Have you become a zombie hospital?
Innovation requires freedom to fail - but only if you have a system for exiting after invalidation. It’s mission critical to create robust hurdle rates and expiration dates.
Do you know your entrepreneur exodus?
How many executive alumni left and launched or joined successful startups? Why did they leave? What would need to change for them to come back? Your entrepreneur exodus holds important keys to your transformation strategy. Enlist them.
Where's your exit?
Intrapreneurs have exits - just like startup entrepreneurs. Is the best final outcome a spinoff, a walled garden, or a new normal? How you want to end has massive ramifications for how you begin.
The problems My Clients trust me to solve
“We ‘innovate’ but with no real ROI.”
“politics kills our new ventures.”
“We’re losing market share to a startup.”
“Great innovators won’t work here.”
Some of my clients

All My Frameworks for free
Maximize Portfolio ROI
This model enables a company to get a comprehensive view of where they need to innovate. It helps identify opportunities to accelerate scale of new ventures and to restore growth to declining businesses.
Power Transition theory
Intrapreneurs quickly learn that the more they accelerate growth, the more they are perceived as a threat from entrenched executives in the business.
UUUSE: A Framework for Concentrating Capital
The UUUSE framework is a system for setting appropriate validation and invalidation criteria at multiple levels of product maturity.